Carlos had to use a cart to bring down our two huge boxes from our book order. I hope to unpack and distribute books to students tomorrow, and get the rest in the classroom library by next week. Thanks a MILLION to all the parents who ordered. The September order earned so many bonus points that I was able to order over a hundred books from the class's wish list. More pictures to come...
The students were thrilled to hear that they all have their own account on RAZ Kids in 2nd grade! We went to the computer lab yesterday and started using it. You can use this great resource for reading at home, too. Go to Helpful Links--> Listen to Reading--> Teacher Username is: cbuti. Happy Reading! Daily 5![]() We have been building stamina for Read to Someone over the past two week and next week the students will choose Read to Self or Read to Someone. Thank you for sending in headphones- we will begin using them next week as we launch Listen to Reading! Writer's Workshop![]() The Writers of 2B have been working on Small Moments writing. This week they worked on zooming into a small topic (not a Big Fat Watermelon Topic) and Stretching out the moment. I assigned their Writing Partner and their Writing Place in the room, and they have been talking with their partner about their plans for writing each day, and what they've accomplished each writing session. Thank you to all the parents who were able to come to Open House yesterday. It was such a pleasure meeting you all! A couple quick reminders: 1) Please send a pair of headphones that are a good fit for your child. 2) Book orders are due Sept 24th. 3) Please subscribe to the blog (you will get an email every time I post) ------> I am embedding the slideshow from last night's presentation in case you were not able to attend or want to watch it again. :) I hope to see all parents at Open House tonight! Here's the schedule: Scholastic Book OrdersToday your child will be bringing home 3 book order forms. Ordering online earns us $3 to spend for our classroom library, so I encourage all parents to order online if possible. If not, a check in an envelope is fine. All information is on the blog: Hover over "Policies & Info" and select "Scholastic Book Orders" from the drop down menu. Our class code is DYK6T. Every order earns bonus points for me to continue building our classroom library! Orders are due by Sept. 24th.
Today we started two great ways to improve our reading fluency: Read to Self and Poetry!
Each week students will practice reading TWO poems SIX times. They have a paper packet in their home folder. The poems are also in PDF form on the blog (Go to Weekly Resources---> Poetry). Anyone who can give feedback can listen and sign off on the poem readings (Mom, Dad, grandparents, older siblings, neighbors, get creative! Dogs and teddy bears cannot give feedback, but if mom is within earshot, she can sign off). :) At the beginning of the week, I will read the poem twice aloud, and once chorally, so the students can practice reading with me. Today, we listened for Read to Someone is a fun way to read with a partner! When we Read to Someone, we sit EEKK (Elbow to Elbow, Knee to Knee) and we stop often to Check for Understanding. We will have more mini-lessons on Read to Someone and start building our stamina this week. Monday is Dot Day, based on Peter H. Reynold's book The Dot. We read the book yesterday and have been decorating our own class dot that parents will be able to see on display in the library during Open House. Feel free to listen to the song. Think about ways you can "Make your mark!" We also read this article:Artist Turns Her 2-Year-Old’s Sketches Into Paintings Remember to wear DOTS on Monday for International Dot Day!
SCHEMA is the background knowledge you bring to a reading experience. It's what you already know about something. We have been reading Scaredy Squirrel books and building schema about his character. When we use our schema, we can make smart predictions about what is going to happen in a book. Because Melanie Watt's books have a predictable format, Ben suggested we write our OWN Scaredy Squirrel book! What a brilliant idea! Here are the ideas the class came up with: Each student voted on their top two choices, and we narrowed it down. After consulting with Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Vanravenswaay, here are the books each class will be writing (drumroll, please)...
2R- Scaredy Squirrel Goes to School 2V- Scaredy Squirrel Goes to the Mall And..... |
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