October 15, 2014
Dear Indian Trail Families,
We have a slightly new plan for Fall Festival Activities on Friday, October 31st at Indian Trail School. The change is to address safety during the parade, classroom parties, and dismissal.
The details are as follows:
Craig Keer and the Indian Trail Team
Dear Indian Trail Families,
We have a slightly new plan for Fall Festival Activities on Friday, October 31st at Indian Trail School. The change is to address safety during the parade, classroom parties, and dismissal.
The details are as follows:
- The parade will begin promptly at 1:35pm and end at approximately 1:55pm on the blacktop. The parade route will be around the blacktop of the playground. Parents are welcome to observe the parade by standing along the perimeter of the playground blacktop. (Please see the attached map - Halloween Parade Map -IT)
- Classroom Parties will be during the time frame of 2pm -3pm at the discretion of the classroom teacher. Only previously arranged classroom parents and volunteers will be able to attend classroom parties.
- All Parent Volunteers must sign into the front office and fill out a Visitor Sticker. Our staff has been instructed to send all visitors to the front office without a Visitor Sticker.
- There will be regular dismissal at 3:17pm. There is no safe way to dismiss our students safely with last minute changes or last minute calls to the front office.
- ALL NOTES regarding ANY CHANGES for dismissal must be sent to classroom teachers in the morning of Friday, October 31st.
- K-5th grade students will be able to change into their costumes after lunch on Friday, October 31st. Please remember that there are a limited number of adults to help assist students with their costumes.
- Costumes worn at school should be comfortable and conducive to learning. When helping your child choose a costume, please remember weapons and other suggestions of overt violence, as well as masks are not allowed. Please keep in mind some families are deeply offended by the representation of witches, ghosts, vampires, devils, werewolves, and goblins.
- We continue to have the “No Group Costume” policy.
- Information about the morning Kindergarten celebration will be forthcoming from Mrs. Walich and Miss Weinstein.
Craig Keer and the Indian Trail Team