It was wonderful seeing everyone for Parent Teacher Conferences. If you haven't had a chance to fill out the Homework Feedback survey, please do so below.
Jane Goodall Study
Our study of adjectives has blended perfectly with our biography study. We read several different texts on Jane Goodall, then each table group worked together to choose adjectives that described her, using evidence from the text to support their adjective (This is something we practiced in our Guided Reading lessons, reading biographies on famous authors). Here are the final products. Jane Goodall's own organization, Roots & Shoots, even retweeted a picture of our group's project on Twitter (you can follow me @ChristineButi).
Read Across IT Day
On this special day, 2B read in the TEACHER'S LOUNGE! They thought it was the COOLEST!
Make-It Monday
"Math Talks"
We've been exploring all the different ways to subtract....yes, there is more than one way to solve a subtraction problem! During this "MATH TALK," students sat with a partner and talked through how they would solve this problem. They had no paper or pencil or base ten blocks. You can see some of the answers and strategies that the kids explained to me. Exceptional flexible mathematical thinking. They learned strategies from each other and tried them out on the next problem.
Check out Jo Boaler's Video on Math Talks/Number Talks. "The answer's not the most interesting part, the most interesting part is THINKING about how you arrived at the answer....They really learn a lot by thinking about their methods."