Assessment Update
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All North Shore School District 112 2nd grade students will participate in the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) between March 13-27th. The CogAt is a district-wide universal assessment that measures reasoning and problem-solving skills in three different areas: verbal, quantitative and nonverbal. The Verbal Battery measures a student's vocabulary as well as his/her comprehension of ideas, efficiency and verbal memory, and ability to discover word relationships. The Quantitative Battery measures the student's quantitative reasoning and problem solving ability and provides an appraisal of the student's general level of abstract reasoning. The Nonverbal Battery measures a student’s reasoning skills based on geometric figures and shapes. The CogAT is intentionally designed for all primary age students and is appropriate for all learners (EL, Special Education, etc.) The test is untimed, and each question is read aloud by the classroom teacher. Students in the Dual Language program will take the assessment in the language in which they feel most comfortable. North Shore School District 112 strives to maintain a balanced assessment system. The CogAT assessment offers unique information about a student’s learning profile and contributes to a well-rounded data picture for each student. Score reports will be sent home in late spring. Please visit our new NSSD112 website for more information about our District’s assessment practices.